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  (Promulgated by Decree No. 256 of The State Council of the People's Republic of China on December 27, 1998 and revised in accordance with the Decision of The State Council on Repealing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations of January 8, 2011)
第一章 总  则
  第一条 根据《十大网堵平台》(以下简称《十大网堵平台》),制定本条例。
第二章 土地的所有权和使用权
  第二条 下列土地属于全民所有即国家所有:
  (6) The land formerly owned by the migrated peasants is no longer used after the collective relocation of the organized land by the state, natural disasters and other reasons。
  第三条 国家依法实行土地登记发证制度。依法登记的土地所有权和土地使用权受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。
  To confirm the ownership or use right of forest land and grassland, and to confirm the use right of water surface and beach for breeding shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Forestry Law, the Grassland Law and the Fisheries Law respectively。
  Article 4 For land collectively owned by peasants, land owners shall apply for land registration to the land administrative departments of the people's governments at the county level where the land is located, and the people's governments at the county level shall register and put it on record and issue certificates of ownership of collective land to confirm the ownership。
  Where land collectively owned by peasants is used for non-agricultural construction according to law, the land user shall file an application for land registration with the land administrative departments of the people's governments at the county level where the land is located, which shall be registered and put on record by the people's governments at the county level and issue a collective land use right certificate to confirm the use right of the land for construction purposes。
  Article 5 For state-owned land used by units and individuals according to law, the land user shall file an application for land registration with the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level where the land is located, which shall be registered and put on record by the people's governments at and above the county level, and issue a certificate of state-owned land use right to confirm the use right。Among them, the land administrative department under The State Council shall be responsible for the registration and certification of state-owned land used by central State organs, and the specific registration and certification measures shall be formulated by the land administrative department under The State Council in conjunction with the government Offices Administration Administration of The State Council and other relevant departments。
  第六条 依法改变土地所有权、使用权的,因依法转让地上建筑物、构筑物等附着物导致土地使用权转移的,必须向土地所在地的县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门提出土地变更登记申请,由原土地登记机关依法进行土地所有权、使用权变更登记。土地所有权、使用权的变更,自变更登记之日起生效。
  To change the use of land according to law, an application for land alteration registration must be submitted to the land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level in the place where the land is located with the approval documents, and the original land registration organs shall carry out the alteration registration according to law。
  Article 7 In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Land Administration Law, the land registration authority shall cancel the land registration。
  Where the term of use stipulated in the contract for paid use of the right to the use of the land expires and the land user fails to apply for renewal or the application for renewal is not approved, the original land registration organ shall cancel the land registration。
第三章 土地利用总体规划
  Article 8 The general plan for the use of land throughout the country shall be compiled by the land administrative department under The State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under The State Council and submitted to The State Council for approval。
  The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize the land administrative departments at the corresponding levels and other relevant departments to compile the general plans for land use and submit them to The State Council for approval。
  General plans for land use of the cities where the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located, cities with a population of more than 1 million and cities designated by The State Council shall be formulated by the people's governments of the cities at the corresponding levels by the land administrative departments and other relevant departments, and shall be submitted to The State Council for approval after examination and approval by the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions。
  本条第一款、第二款、第三款规定以外的土地利用总体规划,由有关人民政府组织本级土地行政主管部门和其他有关部门编制,逐级上报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准;其中,乡(镇)土地利用总体规划,由乡(镇)人民政府编制,It shall be submitted step by step to the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or to the people's government of a city divided into districts or an autonomous prefecture authorized by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval。
  第九条 土地利用总体规划的规划期限一般为15年。
  Article 10 In accordance with the provisions of the Land Administration Law, the general plan for the utilization of land shall divide the land into agricultural land, construction land and unused land。
  The general plans for land use at the county level and at the township (town) level shall, according to needs, delimit basic farmland protection areas, land reclamation areas, construction areas and reclamation prohibited areas.Among them, the township (town) land utilization master plan shall also determine the use of each piece of land according to the conditions of land use。
  Specific measures for the classification of land and the demarcation of land use areas shall be formulated by the land administrative department under The State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under The State Council。
  Article 11 After the general plans for land use of townships (towns) have been approved according to law, the township (town) people's governments shall announce them within their respective administrative areas。
  Article 12 Where the general plans for the use of land are revised in accordance with the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 26 of the Land Administration Law, the original drafting authority shall revise the plans according to the approval documents of The State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government。修改后的土地利用总体规划应当报原批准机关批准。
  After the revision of the general plan for the use of land at the next higher level involves the revision of the general plan for the use of land at the next higher level, the people's government at the next higher level shall notify the people's government at the next higher level to make the corresponding amendment and report it to the original approval organ for the record。
  第十三条 各级人民政府应当加强土地利用年度计划管理,实行建设用地总量控制。土地利用年度计划一经批准下达,必须严格执行。
  第十四条 县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门应当会同同级有关部门进行土地调查。
  The results of the investigation on the current situation of local land use shall be made public after being examined and approved by the people's government at the corresponding level and submitted to the people's government at the next higher level.The results of the survey on the current situation of land use throughout the country shall be released to the public after being submitted to The State Council for approval。土地调查规程,由国务院土地行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定。
  第十五条 国务院土地行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定土地等级评定标准。
  The land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, together with the relevant departments at the same level, evaluate the grade of land according to the standards for grading land。The results of the local land grading shall be announced to the public after being examined by the people's government at the corresponding level and submitted to the land administrative department of the people's government at the next level for approval。
第四章 耕 地 保 护
  第十六条 在土地利用总体规划确定的城市和村庄、集镇建设用地范围内,为实施城市规划和村庄、集镇规划占用耕地,Land occupied by energy, transportation, water conservancy, mining, military facilities and other construction projects outside the scope of urban construction land determined in the general plan for the utilization of land,The municipal and county people's governments, rural collective economic organizations and construction units shall be responsible for reclaiming cultivated land in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of the Land Administration Law.There is no condition for reclamation or the cultivated land under reclamation does not meet the requirements,应当按照省、自治区、直辖市的规定缴纳耕地开垦费。
  第十七条 禁止单位和个人在土地利用总体规划确定的禁止开垦区内从事土地开发活动。
  The development of state-owned barren hills, unredeveloped land and deserted beaches of less than 600 hectares without ascertained land use rights shall be approved by the local people's governments at or above the county level in accordance with the authority prescribed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.The development of more than 600 hectares shall be submitted to The State Council for approval。
  With the approval of the people's governments at or above the county level in accordance with law, the development units or individuals of state-owned barren hills, unredeveloped land and deserted beaches for cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery may be assigned for long-term use, and the term of use shall not exceed 50 years。
  Article 18 People's governments of counties and townships (towns) shall, in accordance with the general plans for the utilization of land, organize rural collective economic organizations to formulate plans for land consolidation and organize their implementation。
第五章 建 设 用 地
  Article 19 Land occupied for construction, involving the conversion of agricultural land into construction land, shall conform to the indicators for the conversion of agricultural land determined in the general plan for the utilization of land and the annual plan for the utilization of land;Land occupied for the construction of cities, villages and market towns, involving the conversion of agricultural land, shall also conform to the urban planning and the planning of villages and market towns。不符合规定的,不得批准农用地转为建设用地。
  Article 20 Land occupied for the purpose of implementing urban planning within the scope of land used for urban construction as determined in the general plans for the utilization of land shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
  (1) Municipal and county people's governments shall, in accordance with their annual plans for the utilization of land, formulate plans for the conversion of agricultural land, plans for the replenishment of cultivated land and plans for the expropriation of land, and report them step by step to the people's governments with the power of approval。
  (2) The land administrative departments of the people's governments with the power of approval shall examine the plans for the conversion of agricultural land, the plans for the replenishment of cultivated land and the plans for the expropriation of land,提出审查意见,报有批准权的人民政府批准;其中,补充耕地方案由批准农用地转用方案的人民政府在批准农用地转用方案时一并批准。
  (3) After approval of the plans for the conversion of agricultural land, the plans for supplementary cultivated land and the plans for the expropriation of land, the municipal and county people's governments shall organize the implementation and provide land separately according to the specific construction projects。
  Where land is occupied for the purpose of implementing the planning for villages and market towns within the scope of land used for construction as determined in the general plans for the utilization of land, the people's governments of cities and counties shall draw up plans for the conversion of agricultural land and plans for the replenishment of cultivated land and handle the matter in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the preceding paragraph。
  Article 21 Where land needs to be used for a specific construction project, the construction unit shall apply once and go through the examination and approval procedures for construction land according to the overall design of the construction project.For projects to be constructed in stages, the application for construction land may be made in stages according to the plan determined in the feasibility study report, and the relevant examination and approval procedures for construction land may be completed in stages。
  Article 22 Where a specific construction project needs to occupy state-owned construction land within the scope of urban construction land determined in the general plan for the utilization of land, it shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
  (1) During the feasibility study and demonstration of construction projects, the land administrative department shall review the matters related to the land used for construction projects and put forward the pre-examination report of the land used for construction projects;When the feasibility study report is submitted for approval, it must be accompanied by the pre-examination report issued by the land administrative department for construction projects。
  (三)供地方案经批准后,由市、县人民政府向建设单位颁发建设用地批准书。For compensated use of state-owned land, land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall sign contracts for compensated use of state-owned land with land users.Where state-owned land is allocated for use, the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall issue a written decision on state-owned land allocation to the land users。
  Where the right to use state-owned land for construction is provided by means of bidding or auction, the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall, together with other relevant departments, draw up plans and submit them to the municipal and county people's governments for approval. After that, the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall organize the implementation and sign contracts for compensated use of land with the land users。土地使用者应当依法申请土地登记。
  Article 23 Where land needs to be used for specific construction projects, state-owned construction land within the scope of urban construction land determined in the general plan for the utilization of land must be applied for according to law。Land outside the scope of urban construction land defined in the general plan for the utilization of land for energy, transportation, water conservancy, mining, military facilities and other construction projects, involving agricultural land, shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
  (1) During the feasibility study and demonstration of construction projects, the land administrative department shall review the matters related to the land used for construction projects and put forward the pre-examination report of the land used for construction projects;When the feasibility study report is submitted for approval, it must be accompanied by the pre-examination report issued by the land administrative department for construction projects。
  (二)建设单位持建设项目的有关批准文件,向市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门提出建设用地申请,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门审查,拟订农用地转用方案、补充耕地方案、征收土地方案和供地方案(涉及国有农用地的,不拟订征收土地方案),经市、县人民政府审核同意后,逐级上报有批准权的人民政府批准;其中,The plan for supplementary cultivated land shall be approved by the people's government that approves the plan for the conversion of agricultural land together with the plan for the conversion of agricultural land;The people's government that approves the land expropriation shall approve the land expropriation plan at the same time (involving state-owned agricultural land),供地方案由批准农用地转用的人民政府在批准农用地转用方案时一并批准)。
  (3) After the plans for the conversion of agricultural land, the plans for supplementary cultivated land, the plans for the expropriation of land and the plans for the supply of land are approved, the municipal and county people's governments shall organize the implementation and issue the approval letter for the construction land to the construction units。For compensated use of state-owned land, land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall sign contracts for compensated use of state-owned land with land users.Where state-owned land is allocated for use, the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall issue a written decision on state-owned land allocation to the land users。
  If a construction project really needs to use land outside the scope of urban construction land determined in the general plan for the utilization of land, and involves unused land owned by peasant collectives, only the plans for land expropriation and land supply shall be submitted for approval。
  第二十四条 具体建设项目需要占用土地利用总体规划确定的国有未利用地的,按照省、自治区、直辖市的规定办理;但是,Land for national key construction projects, military installations, construction projects in cross-province, autonomous region, and administrative region directly under the Central government, and other construction projects as stipulated by The State Council,应当报国务院批准。
  第二十五条 征收土地方案经依法批准后,由被征收土地所在地的市、县人民政府组织实施,And will approve the land expropriation organ, the approval number, the use of land expropriation, the scope, the area and the compensation standard for land expropriation, the settlement method for agricultural personnel and the time limit for land expropriation compensation,在被征收土地所在地的乡(镇)、村予以公告。
  The owner of the land expropriated or the holder of the right to use the land shall, within the time limit prescribed in the announcement, go through the registration of compensation for the expropriated land with the land ownership certificate to the land administrative department of the people's government designated in the announcement。
  The land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall, in accordance with the approved plans for land expropriation, work out plans for land compensation and resettlement together with the relevant departments, announce them in the townships (towns) and villages where the land is located, and listen to the opinions of the rural collective economic organizations and farmers whose land is expropriated。After the plans for land compensation and resettlement are submitted to the municipal and county people's governments for approval, the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments shall organize the implementation。If there is any dispute over the standard of compensation, it shall be coordinated by the local people's government at or above the county level.If coordination fails, the decision shall be made by the people's government that approved the expropriation of land。征地补偿、安置争议不影响征收土地方案的实施。
  Article 26 Land compensation fees shall be owned by rural collective economic organizations;The compensation fee for the above-ground attachments and green seedlings shall be owned by the owner of the above-ground attachments and green seedlings。
  征收土地的安置补助费必须专款专用,不得挪作他用。需要安置的人员由农村集体经济组织安置的,安置补助费支付给农村集体经济组织,由农村集体经济组织管理和使用;由其他单位安置的,安置补助费支付给安置单位;不需要统一安置的,The resettlement subsidy shall be paid to the individual resettled person or used to pay the insurance expenses of the resettled person after obtaining the consent of the resettled person。
  第二十七条 抢险救灾等急需使用土地的,可以先行使用土地。Among them, the temporary land shall be restored to its original state and returned to the original land users after the disaster, and no longer go through the land approval procedures;If it is a permanent construction land, the construction unit shall apply for the approval of the construction land within 6 months after the end of the disaster。
  Article 28 Where temporary occupation of cultivated land is required for construction projects and geological exploration, land users shall restore planting conditions within one year from the expiration of the temporary use of land。
  第二十九条 国有土地有偿使用的方式包括:
  Article 30 The compensated land use fee for new construction land as stipulated in Article 55 of the Land Administration Law refers to the average net land income that the State shall obtain from the new construction land。
第六章 监 督 检 查
  Article 31 The personnel for land administration supervision and inspection shall undergo training and pass the examination before they can engage in land administration supervision and inspection。
  Article 32 In performing the duties of supervision and inspection, the land administrative departments may take the following measures in addition to the measures provided for in Article 67 of the Land Administration Law:
  Article 33 Where an administrative sanction is given in accordance with the provisions of Article 72 of the Land Administration Law, the land administrative department of the people's government at a higher level shall make the decision on administrative penalty or directly impose the decision on administrative penalty。对于警告、记过、记大过的行政处分决定,上级土地行政主管部门可以直接作出;对于降级、撤职、开除的行政处分决定,上级土地行政主管部门应当按照国家有关人事管理权限和处理程序的规定,向有关机关提出行政处分建议,由有关机关依法处理。
第七章 法 律 责 任
  Article 34 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 17 of these Regulations, carries out reclamation within the prohibited reclamation areas defined in the general plans for the utilization of land, shall be ordered by the land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit;Those who do not make corrections within the time limit shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 76 of the Land Administration Law。
  Article 35 Where permanent buildings or structures are built on land temporarily used, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall order them to be dismantled within a time limit.If the demolition is not done within the time limit, the organ that has made the decision on punishment shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution according to law。
  Article 36 Rebuilding or expanding buildings and structures built before the general plans for the utilization of land are not in conformity with the purposes specified in the general plans for the utilization of land,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期拆除;逾期不拆除的,由作出处罚决定的机关依法申请人民法院强制执行。
  Article 37 Those who obstruct the functionaries of land administrative departments from performing their duties according to law shall be given administrative penalties for public security or be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law。
  Article 38 If a fine is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 73 of the Land Administration Law, the amount of the fine shall be less than 50% of the illegal income。
  Article 39 If a fine is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the Land Administration Law, the amount of the fine shall be not less than 5% but not more than 20% of the illegal gains。
  Article 40 If a fine is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 74 of the Land Administration Law, the amount of the fine shall be less than 2 times of the reclamation fee for cultivated land。
  Article 41 If a fine is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 75 of the Land Administration Law, the amount of the fine shall be less than 2 times of the land reclamation fee。
  Article 42 Where a fine is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 76 of the Land Administration Law, the amount of the fine shall be less than 30 yuan per square meter of illegally occupied land。
  Article 43 If a fine is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 80 of the Land Administration Law, the amount of the fine shall be not less than 10 yuan but not more than 30 yuan per square meter of illegally occupied land。
  Article 44 Those who violate the provisions of Article 28 of these Regulations and fail to restore planting conditions within the time limit shall be ordered by the land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit and may be imposed a fine of not more than 2 times the cultivated land reclamation fee。
  Article 45 Anyone who violates the provisions of land administration laws and regulations and obstructs the expropriation of land for state construction shall be ordered to surrender the land by the land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level.If he refuses to surrender the land, he shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution。
第八章 附  则
  第四十六条 本条例自1999年1月1日起施行。1991年1月4日国务院发布的《十大网堵平台》同时废止。